El prestigioso cirujano, humanista y destacado defensor de la independencia de Catalunya ha fallecido esta madrugada en Barcelona a la edad de 104 años.
Barcelona. (ACN).- El doctor Moisès Broggi ha muerto esta madrugada en Barcelona a la edad de 104 años. Broggi ha sido un cirujano de larga trayectoria, con muchos reconocimientos, y uno de los impulsores de la bioética en Catalunya. El cirujano ha tenido también un papel destacado en el ámbito político, el doctor ha sido un destacado defensor de la independencia de Catalunya, y en los últimos tiempos ha dado apoyo a los movimientos cívicos para el estado propio, apoyando la creación de la ANC y participando en manifestaciones como la del 10J. Su última aparición pública fue el pasado marzo, en el acto de constitución de la Asamblea Nacional Catalana (ANC).
El funeral del médico centenario tendrá lugar a las 10.30 horas de este miércoles en el Tanatorio de les Corts, según han informado a Europa Press fuentes cercanas a la familia.
Moisès Broggi i Vallès nació el 18 de mayo de 1908 en Barcelona. Se licenció en Medicina y Cirugía por la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona en 1931. Al inicio de la Guerra, ejerció como médico de guardia del servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Clínic junto a los hermanos Trias i Pujol, con los que colaboró en la renovación de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Con menos de 30 años, el comité de guerra ya le recomendó como médico joven y con experiencia. Durante la Guerra Civil Española participó en el bando republicano, ejerciendo como jefe del equipo quirúrgico de las Brigadas Internacionales. Estuvo en el frente de Madrid y más tarde en el de Aragón.
Al terminar la guerra, ocupó una plaza en el Hospital de Vallcarca de Barcelona y posteriormente ejerció de cirujano en el Hospital Clínic. Pero durante el régimen franquista fue cesado de todos sus cargos oficiales. Su tarea profesional siguió en Terrassa y diversos centros de Barcelona donde destacó por su función asistencial.
Vida dedicada a la medicina
Broggi fue reconocido por sus estudios en anatomía quirúrgica y por ser uno de los impulsores de la bioética en Catalunya. Innovó en el campo de la medicina y la cirugía con el estudio del tratamiento de heridas y fracturas y con la anestesia con respiración controlada, que permite hacer largas operaciones. Trabajó junto a médicos de renombre como los hermanos Trias i Pujol y Josep Trueta.
Nombrado presidente de la Comisión de Deontología del Colegio de Médicos, también fue miembro de la Real Academia de Medicina de Barcelona desde 1966, y fue nombrado presidente en 1980. Fue miembro fundador de la Asociación Internacional de Médicos para la Prevención de la Guerra Nuclear (IPPNW), donde Broggi y médicos de todo el mundo firmaron un manifiesto en el que afirmaban que la carrera armamentística era una locura. Por este manifiesto de 1982, el IPPNW recibió el Premio Nobel de la Paz, en 1985. Tenía el título de presidente de honor de la Real Academia de Medicina de Catalunya, del Instituto Borja y del Instituto Médico Farmacéutico.
Broggi recibió numerosos galardones a lo largo de su carrera, como la Creu de Sant Jordi de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2008) y la Medalla de Oro de la ciudad de Barcelona. También se le otorgó el Premio Nacional a la Trayectoria Profesional y Artística del Departamento de Cultura en reconocimiento a su "dilatada y prestigiosa carrera como cirujano y su compromiso ético y social". En septiembre del mismo 2008 recibió la Medalla de Oro de la Generalitat y, unos meses antes, la Medalla Centenaria, reconocimiento de Departamento de Bienestar Social y Familia a las personas de cien años, que contaba con la presencia de numerosas personalidades del mundo de la política.
El 27 de febrero de 2010 se inauguró un nuevo hospital en Sant Joan Despí que lleva su nombre y que da servicio a 300.000 habitantes de once municipios del Baix Llobregat.
Vida política y catalanismo activo
Durante los últimos años de su vida, a pesar de la avanzada edad, se implicó activamente en política y en la defensa del catalanismo. Broggi ha sido una de las figuras relevantes que ha apoyado a las dos grandes manifestaciones independentistas, la multitudinaria del 10 de julio de 2010 contra la sentencia del Estatut y la de julio de 2011, con la proclama "Por Catalunya, no paréis". El médico y pacifista pidió una transición pacífica hacia un estado catalán para que las relaciones entre Catalunya y España fueran entre iguales.
En 2009 Broggi se adhirió a la formación política Reagrupament, liderada por Joan Carretero, al considerar que era "la única vía eficaz de llegar a la independencia". En las elecciones municipales del 2011, cerró la lista electoral de la coalición Unidad por Barcelona. En 2011, con 103 años, aceptó el ofrecimiento de ERC para encabezar la candidatura independentista al Senado en las elecciones generales de noviembre de 2011.
El 10 de marzo de 2012 participó en el Palau Sant Jordi en la constitución de la Asamblea Nacional Catalana (ANC), acto que reunió a más de 7.000 personas y en el que Broggi fue fuertemente ovacionado. El ANC ha sido el embrión del movimiento independentista iniciado en Catalunya en los últimos meses.
Americans should not be wasting their money on Islam. It should be engaged in a Final Solution.
I served as a squad leader in the infantry with the U.S. Army in Vietnam. Some of the soldiers that I served with and continue to admire for their sacrifices in Vietnam were Jews.
However,the components of the New American Fascism are: 1. Racial, ethnic and Gender inequality promulgated by law and custom. 2. The assertion of victimization as the basis of this racial, ethnic, and gender privilege and persecution of the group designated as responsible for this victimization (generally Caucasian non-Jewish men). 3. Corporatism 4. A single party (Two party=single party) state. 5. Domination (financial, social, political, and cultural) through the state of the general populace by an ethnic elite. 6. The denigration of individual and group rights and liberties based upon a “war of terror” against ethnic, religious, and cultural enemies both internal and external of this elite. 7. Aggressive war against nations perceived as inimical to the interests of the racial, ethnic, and gender elite of the fascist elite. 8. The massive imprisonment of one of the groups out of favor, males. 9. Intolerance of political dissent (political correctness) directed especially at those out of favor.
Traditionally, fascism has exalted masculine principles. However, the new fascism exalts feminine principles while denigrating traditionally male principles and virtues.
Traditionally, fascism has persecuted Jews. However, the new fascism exalts Jews, Zionism, and Jewish goals as they are considered the ethnic elite.
All individuals, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religious belief, and/or national origin should receive the same inalienable individual rights, individual liberties, individual responsibilities, and individual justice. The same is the foundation of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. That is the basis of republicanism, the political foundation of our nation. That is what Fascism and the New American Fascism has waged war against.
In reading the rest of your post I’m sorry to say it looks like “both”. Here’s a clue for you: The “new fascism exalts Jews” because Jews are behind it.
Jews were behind the conspiracy to get the U.S. into WW1; Jews were behind the effort to destroy Germany (WW2); Jews were the “Masterminds” behind 9/11; and, as I type this, Jews are pushing the world to WW3.
It’s time to put away the euphemistic, politically correct psychobabble and openly name the enemy of all humankind: The Jewish collective.
I’ve been reading some on the history of British Palestine and would love to know if there are any good books which recall the testimony of soldiers who spoke out against zionist terrorism and double dealings in the 1917 to 1948 period. That seems to be the only way to get to the truth: ask the soldiers who saw it first hand.
Any recommendations?
The Emergence of the Palestinian-Arab National Movement, 1918-1929, (London: Frank Cass, 1974)
Palestinian Arab National Movement: From Riots to Rebellion: 1929-1939, vol. 2, (London: Frank Cass and Co., Ltd., 1977)
Battleground-Fact and Fantasy in Palestine, (NY: Bantam Books, 1977),
Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper gives the same speech.
The U.S., the U.K., Canada, and Australia—we all fought two world wars to defend freedom, only to be conquered by the parasites from within. It looks like we have one more war to fight to regain that freedom.
Good luck to us all!
All of this happened because of a single constantly improving rule of civil law: quest for equal opportunity, fair play, and avoiding discrimination. Italians understood it and became Americans. Germans understood it and became Americans. British understood it and became Americans. Poles understood it and became Americans. Jews abused it and checkmated Americans, Brtish, French, Germans, … in their own homes. The tough question is that if Jews must be deprived from the right to fair play. Where they have not been, they ruined the host nations and left. Where they have been, they enjoyed a long stay. “Good Jews”/ “Bad Jews” issue is moot
As a young radio producer in Australia, I was chosen to put together a valedictory programme to be broadcast, by the Australian Federation of Commercial Broadcasting Stations, in the event of Churchill’s death, and the speech you quote was, of course, included, and I used a copy which had been recorded from a short-wave radio broadcast, which added even more emotive overtones to it, and when just the right passage of Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance March Number 1 was subtly faded in at the point where you left off…
“Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties… ‘
… it brought a stiffening of backs and a tear to the eye of everyone who heard it, with ex military men hard pressed to keep their right arms at their sides. In the event, he survived the health scare that pushed us to complete the programme in record time, and lived long enough for my version to be superseded. (I believe the beginning of it was broadcast in Brisbane, by mistake, when someone played the wrong side of a transcription disc, following the death of some other notable person.)
These days I cringe at my naivety; at being a part of such an on-going deception about “Great” Britain’s finest hour, brought about, as it was, by the same dark forces that you have written about in your article. But how was I to know the truth, then?
Churchill, as it turns out, was not only a Zionist sympathiser, but relied on tainted Zionist funds to keep a roof over his head. It is interesting to look at the final sentence of your article and consider that: had Britain stood up to Zionism, as Hitler attempted to do, perhaps those ‘broad, sunlit uplands’ would, indeed, have been our inheritance, for we are, once again, ‘roaming and peering around the rim of Hell’ as he suggested in another of his speeches. But he is still revered as Britain’s saviour.
Like Blair he’s a warmonger eager to make an impression on the back of someone else’s blood and shredded body parts.”
Charlatans…lacking any scintilla of humanity.
I recall Tony Blair a la Barack Obama possessed great oratorial skills! We know now ofcourse, it seems ridiculous that it wasn’t obvious at the start. But, such was his effortless skill as a dissembler, it was impossible to tell. When he first came to power, young, vigorous, intelligent, compassionate, it was actually possible to feel optimistic.
What a clever politician he is. When he drove Britain into war in Iraq against the will of the people he faced a tricky Party Conference. He responded with a superb brainstorming speech, appealing to the hearts of the delegates with his “Africa is a scar on the conscience of the world” and the need to end the misery in “slums of Gaza “. It was a helluva performance, the delegates rose to applaud with a tear in the eye, he had fooled them all, and the killing in Iraq could go on.
There was, I believe, a seminal moment in his premiership, which came a few months earlier than that speech. He was in Japan , and on camera an aide came over and whispered in his ear that Dr David Kelly was dead. Blair physically blanched, he almost staggered, his face for a moment took on a haunted look. Dr Kelly, was the world’s leading expert on the status of Saddam Hussein’s WMD programme. He knew there were none, and had started to talk to journalists about it. He had to be silenced, so he was murdered, then his body dumped in the woods where he was later found.
If you find that hard to believe, look at the evidence given at the Hutton cover-up; I mean enquiry. Not the Hutton Report, which was half a gallon of finest British establishment whitewash, but the actual evidence given at the enquiry. At that moment in Japan , the last bit of his soul died. One doesn’t have to be a ‘wild conspiracy theorist’ to recognize that. He is a hollow man. Driven by greed pure and simple.
Blair has step by pre-determined step dissolved the division between the political state and the corporate state entirely. The British two party system is now the American one party system and his task is done.
There isn’t a corporate boardroom in the world that wouldn’t be honored to have his snout in their trough, following in the footsteps of Kissinger as the next generation of amoral robber barons.
About 40% of America’s GDP is consumed by federal, state, and local government. When hidden and black ops military costs are reasonably estimated by free-market economists, one can infer that all of the deficit of $1.5 trillion is being consumed to fight these interminable wars for Israel’s hegemonic ambitions to turn the Middle East and Central Asia into economic satrapies of Israel and for the benefit of the financial elite in the UK and US. Countless billions are also being spent to implement the apparatus of a totalitarian police state.
One way to grasp this burden in general terms–maybe enslavement is a better term–is to say that every six workers in America’s private sector producing something of value are carrying four others working for government or on the dole on their backs. And, please don’t say the deficit and government stimulus are to help the unemployed while millions of new workers are being brought into this country every year from Mexico and Central America by the elites to undercut the labor market in the US and positively, absolutely ensure that out-of-work Americans will probably never find meaningful work again in their lives.
This enslavement of American working men and women to onerous taxes and stealth confiscation of their wages and savings through inflation is unsustainable, and yet nothing could be clearer to Congress and this administration. This raises the obvious question, why are both parties destroying America? To serve whom and what agenda? for it’s just as obvious it isn’t to serve the American people. We’re being overwhelmed with stories of government brutality. I just watched the video of police in St. Petersburg slashing the tents of homeless people with box cutters. This video and those of SWAT teams battering down front doors, DHS checkpoints which abrogate our Constitutional rights, new passport and other laws in the works whose onerous requirements ensure that anyone can be imprisoned for lying to the government at any time without knowing it, are emblematic of how the government views its citizens, which is as cattle with no rights. We have been enslaved to serve an agenda and Congress and this and the past administrations are its bought-and-paid-for servants. In fact, the uproar in Washington is over increasing the debt limit to ensure America can continue to fund these wars, even if by so doing it destroys the credit rating of the most powerful nation on earth. Moreover, because the printing presses are running non-stop to counterfeit the money to pay for these wars, even the lowest federal tax bracket is effectively being doubled by stealth through inflation, and by the very people in Washington wringing their hands over the unemployment resulting from their sucking America dry. Watch a few minutes of the news, if you’ve got the stomach for rank hypocrisy, and see that the parasitic elites on Wall Street and in government, and in all those think tanks and non-profits, i.e., the pundits, are doing better than ever, dressed in silk suits, being driven in limos and flying private jets, eating lunches that cost $100 a head, while out-of-work Americans are swept off the streets like so much garbage. Every elite exists to parasitize Americans and perpetuate unmerited preferment, privilege, and wealth, on both the left and right.
Jewish Communist Bolsheviks invaded Germany not the other way around. Hitler despite the myths was fighting communism not the jews although most communists were jews. The myths and lies continue to fall away, most especially fairytales about gas chambers, putting mice in jew’s underpants, jews piled high and burned like cordwood, and little girls that wrote diaries with ballpoint pens that hadn’t even been invented yet.
After Bush ll crashed the Internet and pushed through the Patriot Act things changed dramatically. I believe this was one reason for 9/11,…to slow things on the “Net down, so they had time to insert their Jewish tentacles. Today, if you look at the top technology companies in the U.S. they are nearly all controlled by Jews. This is because they control the Venture Capital Firms, the Underwriters and the FED. Unlimited access to capital is also why nearly all the takeover artists from back in the 70′s to now are all Jews.
It is not fair, is shear treachery, and when they are exposed for 9/11 and Bldg. 7 and the rest of their traitorous plan for world domination, I hope it will end permanently. We need the world’s help. Help us please.
Today though, they have America and Britain by the throat and intend to squeeze the life out of them but not before they have virtually sucked the life from both nations like a swarm of vampires.
It’s time to drive the proverbial stake through the heart of zionism.
Oh yeah, I believe Churchill was a slimmey little idiot (jew) and is also responsible for stabbing eastern Europe in the back by allowing Stalin and his communist jews to take over every eastern European nation from the Baltic to the Bosporus. It was he and he alone that gave his zionist jew buddy, Stalin the green light.
Beside I will never forgive that fat little weasel for persuading America to invade “the soft underbelly of nazism namely Italy and the resulting in the needless deaths of ten of thousands of Americans in one of the bloodiest campaign of WW II. So screw Churchill, (bastard son of a prostitute)
There has been much speculation over the likely covert assassination of Tory Party Grandee Christopher Shale on 26 June 2011 (a former close associate of Prime Minister David Cameron) days after the he was publicly critical of the British Conservative Party and Government. The assassination has been recently confirmed by Michael Shrimpton, Barrister, Royal United Services Institute spokesman and renowned intelligence agency insider and conduit. In a further twist to this event Michael Shrimpton has now confirmed that on 26 May 2010 the senior officer who was second in command of the Royal Air Force, Air Chief Marshall Sir Christopher Moran, was also assassinated by the same hidden forces.
Hello Gordon? Are you there?
Google does this.