Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to avoid hack Telnet or Prevent is better!

How to avoid hack Telnet or Prevent is better!

Here is a guide to learn basic hacking techniques. Telnet is the base of most hacking.

This was titled like this to be entered into the Burning Questions Group. I understand it to mean, "How to hack via Telnet," so that's what this instruct able is about.

The only thing you will need is a port scanner. nmap is a free and powerful port scanner. You can download it for Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux. If possible make sure you install the GUI with it. It comes with the Windows installer.

It's pretty simple. Open the program and in the "Target" box, type the ip address of the computer you want to hack.

If you don't know the ip address, go to the computer you want to access (I will assume you have the legal rights to whatever you are trying to access), open a command line and type ipconfig. You can try to hack devices too many times. Routers and switches sometimes have telnet. Try scanning these too.

Say you want to scan a range of IP addresses, then you would type the beginning IP address followed by (no spaces) a dash ( - ) and the end of the last IP address. For example, if you wanted to scan to then you would type .

In the "Profile" menu of Zenmap, select "Intense scan" if it is not already selected. Click scan and watch as the program scans the computer or device for open ports. Watch the nmap output until you see some words in green (see image previous). These are the open ports on the computer or device. If port 23 is open, your device is hackable.
Many servers and routers have port 23 open.
If you can't find a device with Telnet enabled, use . listens on the standard telnet port. However, some firewalls block low port numbers. You may also connect on (port 14321) if you can't connect on the regular port.
In order to check if somebody hacks you or you have a port open, use next link:

If you are not comfortable, try this:
Click on right mouse button pointing on task bar, then click the button on Start Task Manager, do click on Processes, scroll down side bar pane and if you find Trojan.exe and/or splitter.exe and/or split.exe, your computer is spied on!, trojan or splitter file looks like a bunch of letters with non sense dot exe, please click on each one, then click right mouse button and click on End Process, and this allow you to end with the program that spy on your computer.
The best way is:
Watch video:
How to know if you have any spyware virus on your PC:
Como saber si tienes algun virus espía en tu PC:
Remember close all programs.
Go to cmd, type on prompt:
C:\Windows\system32>netstat(only 1 space)-ano, then do click on ENTER key:

Look on “State” column: “ESTABLISHED” and its correspondent PID.
Then look at Start Task Manager on Processes tab, the PID number for Description:
Could be:  
1) Image Name: firefox.exe *32; PID: 2412; Description: Firefox
2) Image Name: explorer.exe;     PID: 2632; Description: Windows Explorer.
No problem at all, but if you find some program that you do not know, a bunch rare of letters dot exe or random letters dot exe, no words, so then could be a hack program, always State: ESTABLISHED, check it on internet before erase), if you confirm that it is a hack program, then click on Start Task Manager then click right mouse button, scroll down and click on “End Process”.
On cmd prompt, you can type tasklist then ENTER tab.
If you want to erase the “FILE” from cmd prompt, you can type:
taskkil(one space)/PID(one space)75489(one space)/F then ENTER tab
Other Way:

How to detect and remove USB virus from my pc or windows 7 without software.


To go to Start Task Manager: Ctrl+Alt+Delete(Supr), and then click on Start Task Manager.
To go to cmd: Windows Key on keyword + letter “R”, then type cmd.

Last important TIP:

If you do not find the match PID in your Windows Task Manager and your state is "ESTABLISHED", then,  PID is built in a mask, the best way to solve the problem is killing your Operating System and re-install again.

Remember !,  you never again make click on every link at the first time, and never download file if you are not secure of it. Check it before.

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